Spending too much time on customer support? Let’s kill this pain!
It was several years ago, I had two eBay stores and I found myself spending more and more time on answering messages from potential customers. As much as I love promoting sales, it kept me from developing the business, contacting more suppliers, uploading new products to the store and more. I did a simple thing that reduced the time spent on answering messages by 40%!
I simply made a list of the 5 most popular questions and presented the answers in a simple visual way on the listings. For example: I was selling car GPS devices and many questions were related to the maps included so I just added all the country flags which were on the device. If an Australian was looking at the listing he could immediately see that Australian maps were included. So that’s today’s tip, next week I’ll talk about increasing your listing’s visibility, you’re welcome to subscribe and receive those tips directly to your email.